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There Be Dragons at this Con!?... So anyway, while the focus of the convention is centered on anime fandom and screenings of films and television series, many other activities take place encompassing various segments of geek and Japanese pop culture. (Note: We were here as part of the entourage screening a trailer for a new TV series titled "The Mechanical Grave" our friend Mr. B is writing) Download

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MCO_Hooters (15)_CandaceAmber
MCO_Hooters (21)
MCO_Hooters (26)
MCO_Hooters (31)
A-Kon_2012 (7)
  A-Kon_2012 (4).JPG - There Be Dragons at this Con!?...  So anyway, while the focus of the convention is centered on anime fandom and screenings of films and television series, many other activities take place encompassing various segments of geek and Japanese pop culture.  (Note: We were here as part of the entourage screening a trailer for a new TV series titled "The Mechanical Grave" our friend Mr. B is writing)  
A-Kon_2012 (3)
A-Kon_2012 (9)
A-Kon_2012 (10)
A-Kon_2012 (11)
A-Kon_2012 (13)